Save Away For A Rainy Day

A little rhyme I came up with!


Be wise with your money you’ll have the last laugh

Insurance, mortgages, ISA’s and tax

Shop savvy and smart, seek out the best deals

Take a packed lunch to work instead of splurging on meals

Regular savings will grow like a weed

Try to stop shopping for things you don’t need

It’s true this is all very easy to say, but try to improve just a little each day!!

252 thoughts on “Save Away For A Rainy Day

  1. Tracey S Anderson

    Fragranced candles are such a lovely addition to any home but can be costly as the wick can tend to burn out leaving such a lot of wasted wax at the bottom. To avoid throwing out this unused wax just carefully scrape the wax from the holder into a ceramic wax burner. You now have a few more hours of your favourite candle to fragrance your home.

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