
When I stop and think of how much of our lives we spend ‘waiting’ ‘anticipating’ and ‘enduring’ until….. it hit home just how much weight we carry because of this. The scales are tipped heavily toward the ‘until’ rather than the ‘now’.

Until Friday

Until payday

Until that holiday

Until Christmas

Until the sales

Until you can afford it

Until you see them again

Until the diet is over 

Until the kids go back to school (or are off school)

Until you retire

Until, until, until……

Isn’t it just as important to make the in-between time just as delightful?

The in-between times are the times we get to pursue or own interests, and enjoy the little things – cherish the days, the weeks; live in the moment.

If we don’t do this, life becomes one big never ending waiting game, which is not always a happy of fulfilling state of mind – waiting in hope of something that’s always in the future, out of grasp and in some cases, may not even happen.

Seize life, seize experiences, nurture small joys and make every moment count!



14 thoughts on “Until

  1. Charinda Dissanayake

    This is such an important message. We plan, prepare for and eagerly anticipate so much in the future. We give up so much of the our “now” for “then”. And often, it doesn’t work out. All of a sudden, instead of period of austerity followed by a glorious, so-worth-it payoff, it’s been a waste of chances, opportunities and time. Don’t limit yourself to that one thing. Take what you get, push nothing away, look forward to tomorrow, live to the fullest today.

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