Save Away For A Rainy Day

A little rhyme I came up with!


Be wise with your money you’ll have the last laugh

Insurance, mortgages, ISA’s and tax

Shop savvy and smart, seek out the best deals

Take a packed lunch to work instead of splurging on meals

Regular savings will grow like a weed

Try to stop shopping for things you don’t need

It’s true this is all very easy to say, but try to improve just a little each day!!

252 thoughts on “Save Away For A Rainy Day

  1. Jodi hill

    Whenever I shop I always use Quidco and it all goes towards Christmas, because of work restrictions I usually do my shopping on a Sunday a cottoned on to reductions…. they have so much meat reduced in the chillers I can’t remember the last time I paid full price for meat! I just pop it in the freezer and get it out when I need it…. saves me around a third on my shopping bill every week.

  2. Lindsey Stuart

    I love to try and save!
    My tip is to use a cash back site if you plan to shop online, Always shop around you will be surprised at how cheaper you can get your goodies than the first site you visit!

    If you shop in Tesco, use the scan as you shop it is a great way to see how much you are spending!
    Always bring a list with you otherwise you will end up buying lots of things you don’t really need.

    Pop all your change in a pot and save, it’s amazing how much you can save by doing this #rainydaymoney

  3. Sarah Thompson

    A few tips of mine are – don’t go shopping when you are hungry or with the kids (always costs more!), shop around when buying online and use cashback sites (any money I get from this I save for days out etc.), swap clubcard points for vouchers too you can get some really good deals! And a little one for at home is I have a money tin which I can only open with a tin opener. @SlLouise on twitter x

  4. Lucy Barlow

    We have a great decision making tool for the kids – but it helps us a lot.
    When we want to have take out, or go to the cinema – we have a a scale and weights and we have on one side the ‘weight’ of a holiday for all of us away, on the other we place the number of ‘weights’ of cinema trips, takeouts etc that we would have to decline in order to buy our holiday.

    The kids will invariably go for a cheaper take out in order to get to their holiday quicker!

  5. Emma Bean

    I buy things with yellow labels on in supermarkets, and I fill my freezer, I also check out supermarket magazines for money off coupons, also I bank online and every couple of days I do a think called ‘skimming’ basically you round your money down to the nearest £5 and put the excess into a savings account, it might only be like £1.48 or 50p, but it adds up and you don’t miss it, I’ve saved £30 a month some months by doing this.

  6. Caroline B

    Fill your time with things you like doing that are free like walking and taking in the scenery or something you love. it stops having too much spare time & surfing the internet & then spending money on things & impulse buys.
    I find food shopping online helps, as I can see how much I’m spending rather than just throwing things in the trolley, some online supermarkets have free delivery slots if you book them slightly outside the popular hours, like 9-10pm In the evening

  7. Caroline Hunter

    I always re-negotiate my AA breakdown cover, Sky subscription, Car Insurance, Home Insurance etc. rather than paying the new quote. I used to feel that this was an embarrassing thing to do but now I feel ok about it. If the company I’m with won’t reduce the price, I look round for somewhere else. Mostly they take some money off the quote so I’m quids in! 🙂

  8. Caroline Hunter

    I always re-negotiate my AA breakdown cover, Sky subscription, Car Insurance, Home Insurance etc. rather than paying the new quote. I used to feel that this was an embarrassing thing to do but now I feel ok about it. If the company I’m with won’t reduce the price, I look round for somewhere else. Mostly they take some money off the quote so I’m quids in! 🙂

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