Forgotten Photographs

I’d say I have something like an abyss of forgotten photographs. Mostly on memory cards but my phone always seems to need a good clear out as well. Slowly but surely I’m having a digital de-clutter.

I surprise myself with what I find sometimes, here’s a random few with some thoughts 😌


That time when I saw 11 Magpies congregate together outside my window, I wonder if they were one big family….probably!

We all know the rhyme about magpies right? One for sorrow, two for joy….etc. Well I thought it ended at ‘seven for a secret never to be told’, but it actually goes up to thirteen and seems a bit spooky. I really don’t think there’s anything linked to how many magpies you see at once – they’re very social birds and like to hang out together (that’s my take).

They’re quite cheeky birds as well – I saw one in a standoff with a fox. The fox was walking along a wall and needed to get past the magpie, but the magpie refused to move out of the way. The fox stood there (probably in disbelief at the boldness of this little bird). I think the fox managed to squeeze past somehow and the magpie gave way a little in the end.


Another fish finger sandwich breakfast on the go, very squelchy though, so ended up being finished off with a knife and fork.

Message in a Book

This was handwritten in one of the front pages of an old second hand book – what an inspirational and heartfelt message from a teacher to a student 😌 💛

Whether child or adult, we can be greatly moved and inspired by a kind word or gesture – I hope the young person took this encouraging feedback on board (and kept a copy of it too)💫

Canal Life

Photo: Mirfield, Yorkshire

I don’t personally know anyone who lives on a narrow boat but I know it’s quite common these days. I always imagine it must be very cold on a boat in the winter.

After reading ‘15 Reasons Why Living in a Narrow Boat is a Bad Idea’ not sure I’d be keen.


So, the wheelchair image on this train carriage seemed a bit out of synch when a man on a mobility scooter couldn’t get out of this door onto the platform because of the step down, and ended up asking a member of the public to lift it/him off the train onto the platform – this caused the kind member of the public to hurt his arm during the process 🙄

Betty’s Cafe Tea Rooms

You might have sampled tea in one of Betty’s Tea Rooms.

I’ve been around a few of these tea rooms but never had tea in one yet, they’re very popular  – one of these days I will have to try one out. Whilst visiting this small town I was taken aback by the long outdoor queue on a very cold and wet day. The tea must be very good in there, or maybe the cakes 🤔🍰 …..this one was in Ilkley. Have you been to one?

A Revival

At first I thought it was an Amazon or InPost type collection/drop off type facility when I glimpsed the lockers at the back from the corner of my eye.

Are launderettes becoming more ‘in demand’ again? This looked like quite a new modern 21st century self-serve ‘digital’ type of laundrette’.  I’ve seen a few old fashioned retro ones here are there in London, but I spotted this one in Leeds.

Seems like there are even launderettes in car parks theses days!!!

What the…?

This was the first time I’d ever seen one of these robots but at first, from a distance, I thought it was a dog or animal gliding over the grass 🧐

I grabbed my camera and zoomed in through the window, before realising it was a machine but couldn’t see anyone remote controlling it.

It turned out to be a grass painter, painting the white markings on the field for the football pitch.

More recently I’ve seen someone stood controlling it with a remote – much more reassuring 😆


Spotted on a sandwich board in the street but I can’t remember exactly where it was….might have been a cafe.

There’ll be plenty more forgotten photographs to come!!

Sending best wishes, and have a lovely day 🤗✨

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