Kettle’s On Again: Price Tags and Chicken Burgers

Another quick cuppa? Kettle’s on, mine’s a coconut tea.

Help yourself to a mince pie ☃️

So what idle chatter do I have to share this time….

Alarmed by

The cost and rigmarole of spending a penny!

I recently spent some time in the lovely Lake District area of Cumbria and (like many others  – who joined me in taking the picture below) was horrified at the cost to use a public loo. 50p and contactless only – no cash!

We’re in an entirely new world these days.

I remember fellow blogger Natty Travels had a similar experience in the Lakes and has shared this in one of her previous blog posts, she found public toilets that were even more expensive at a whopping £1.50

I think we can safely say we have a ‘cost of going to the loo crisis’ on our hands 🙃

Public toilets in Windermere

I’ll post some Lake District posts later on.


This quirky looking antiques shop in Skipton

There also seemed to be some sort of biking event in Skipton that day, with a parade of motorbikes and mopeds making their way up the main road:


A bird’s nest above a train line. Sturdy, but must be noisy when they’re trying to sleep!!

Did a Double Take on

The price tag on a Zara dress.

I tried on two sizes of the same dress – you know, to see which would fit better 🤔

When I got to the till the sales assistant said “£49.99 please”. I questioned the price in case a mistake had been made – but she repeated this price. I told her the other size of the same dress had a cheaper price….she was unconvinced.

I went back to get the other dress I’d left in the fitting room – and it said £32.99 on the tag. I took it to her 👗

The sales assistant ended up calling her manager to deal with this bizzare scenario.

I quickly reminded them that there’s something under consumer rights – a clause about retailers being obliged to sell for the lower advertised price – even if they’ve made a mistake.

I was charged the lower price 👛

It turned out all the other identical dresses had mixed prices as well….on leaving the shop I noticed they’d all been removed.

At home I tried it on again, and ended up not really liking the dress as much as I thought. A week later I returned it to another branch – in a completely different part of the UK. All these dresses in this branch were priced £49.99 (so maybe I did get a lucky bargain, just a shame I didn’t want to keep it).

Same dress, different prices!

Took a curious look at

A lot of pink!

No – it’s not a dessert shop. It’s a fast food place and it’s all pink, I’m sure it turns many heads – it did mine!

If you like milkshakes you can have ‘The Moonwalker’, an ‘Amir Khan’ (designed by the man himself) or a ‘Holly Oaks’ (designed by the cast of the show) 🙄

Burgers include the ‘Hot Chick’ 🐔 and ‘The Daddy’

Sauces included ‘Good Sauce’  No bad sauce though.

I tried the peri peri burger because it was the only chicken burger that was flame grilled and not fried. But there was way too much mayonnaise on it for me.

…..reminds me of Argos


While we’re on the subject of food, it’s getting to that cold but cosy time of the year again – time for hearty warming dishes, like good old spaghetti & meatballs 😋

Home made winter warmer

I may have overdone it with the meatballs lol, not too long ago I opted for a yummy meatball starter, followed by a sauteed lamb dish at a Turkish restaurant – perfect winter food:

-2c temperatures have been forecast for parts of the UK for next week – so maybe winter’s coming early this year!!

Anyway, tea’s getting cold, time for a top up ☕️

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and keep warm next week – depending on where you are 🤗✨

14 thoughts on “Kettle’s On Again: Price Tags and Chicken Burgers

  1. Ellie Thompson

    Lovely photos as always, Cherryl. The food looks delicious and very warming on a chilly autumn day. I’m not sure which part of the country will have those temperatures; I think it must be the north of the country, as here in the south, it’s going to be very mild this week but cooler, though not cold, next week. It’s a shame you decided not to keep the dress as you got it cheaper than the going price. At least you didn’t have to go too far to return it to the store. The cost of everything is astronomical these days, food, clothes, fuel, heating, etc., etc. And, of course, loos. Whatever happened to ‘spend a penny?’ Now, it’s ‘spend fifty pennies’, or more depending on where you are, it seems. Xx 🌺💕

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